Helping You to Manage Your Career to Get and Keep the Job You Want and Helping Recruiters to Be More Effective

Saturday, February 20, 2021

This 1 Trick Turbo Charges Your Job Search


Today (February 20, 2021), I am rolling out a new informational product to help people learn how to jump to the head of the line when going after the job they want.

Why wait in line for a job when you don't have to?


I am teaching a technique I have personally used to land nearly every single job I have ever gotten, so I know it works. Because I have taught this to my private clients for 20 years I know it works for everyone who uses it.

Using this technique, I reliably get my resume into the hands of decision makers without going through HR departments, job posting sites, or outside recruiters.  By the time I fill out a job application, they have already decided to hire me and want me to complete the paperwork to cover their rears.

Why pay me hundreds or thousands of dollars in job coaching fees when you don't have to?


For me to personally teach you this 1 technique would take at least 3 hours of 1-on-1 instruction.  My private clients pay me $100 per hour for my time.  If you are an executive, looking for a job earning hundreds of thousands per year, investing $300 and more with me is a great value.  However, there are a lot more people out there looking for jobs that aren't earning hundreds of thousands per year.  For them, money is almost always tight.  When unemployed, it is even tighter.  I come from a working class background.  I have been blue collar for most of my early work years.  My family are middle class folks.  Sure, I will charge elites thousand for this information, but I want to help working class people like my own family.

I used this technique when I was blue collar.  I used it to become white collar.  I used it to become an executive and many times since.

I have invested hundreds of hours of my own time putting this information in writing so that anyone can master it, without having to pay for my private coaching.


I would like to offer it for free, but I won't. 

I won't just give it away for a couple of reasons: 

1) If you didn't pay for it, you would think it is worthless. The reality is that this one secret technique can put tens of thousands of dollars in you pocket and save you from the misery of unemployment.   

2) I have expenses tooEven though I have done everything I can to minimize the costs I incur to bring this to market.  I have to pay just to make this available to you and everyone else.

3) I had to pay a price of my own to earn this knowledge.  It is valuable to me and you need to earn it too.  

4)  Paying for my help is how you help me.  Just like you, I need to feed my family too. I choose to do that by helping others.   

I'm no fat cat, living in a mansion somewhere.  I am just an ordinary guy, living a middle class life and hoping I will be able to earn enough so that when I retire, my wife and I won't be eating cat food to survive. 

You may look at that bit of honesty there and say, "well if you know so much, how come you aren't rich?"  There are several reasons why I am not living a mansion in some fancy, gated community, in spite of all I know, have done, and can do. If you want a breakdown, read on.  Otherwise, just skip over the next part.

My priority has always been family first.  I am a family man.  My wife and I have raised five kids on my income.  Any money I had left over after my bills were paid, I invested in my kids.  

Although now I am earning six figures a year in my day-job, I am a lot closer to the end of my career than I am the middle.  I need to save and invest.  Driving my net worth in a fancy car, or buying a house that is way beyond our needs is not a good retirement plan.  It may look great, but it often ends badly.  Besides, I have really great neighbors.  We raised our kids together.  I don't have anything in common with those folks in the gated communities, and I'm not sure I want to.

So, although I make good money now, and I have had lots of well-to-do clients, my heart and soul still are focused on helping folks who need it the most.  Ordinary folks who are struggling to take care of themselves and their families in extraordinarily difficult times.

If you don't want a better job, tell someone who does about this!


If you, or someone you know, is struggling to get a better job, you owe it to yourself to check this out and learn to do what I (and many others) have done to get a job NOW!

Click on the Buy Now link below to learn more.

#jobseekers #jobseekersupport #getthejobyouwant

Tom Sheppard has authored more than 30 books and articles.  He has published many books on career management and real estate investing.  To learn more about him check out his author page on